This presentation distills the essence of the following blog posts into a presentation format. The target audience is early-stage startup founders, and investors. Economic Moats Blog Post Series Network Effects Switching Costs Intangibles Efficient Scale, and Cost Advantages Connecting The Dots #OpposingViewpoints: Do Economic Moats Happen By Accident?
Business Strategy
#NotesOnStrategy: 20 Important Questions
I found these notes in one of my old notebooks . . . as I was reorganizing my desk a few days ago, after taking the CFA Level III exam for a 4th time early this month. I do not have any answers written down, but I assume I wrote them down as a starting […]
Connecting The Dots: Economic Moats & Early Stage Technology Startups
I started writing about economic moats in September 2014. Since then I have written about Network Effects, Switching Costs, Intangibles, and Efficient Scale and Cost Advantages. The purpose of those posts was to outline how I think about economic moats while I am studying a seed stage startup and trying to determine how things might unfold […]
Notes on Strategy; Michael Porter’s Generic Competitive Strategies for Early Stage Tech Startups
Running a business without a strategy is like breathing air without oxygen. My post Notes on Strategy; For Early Stage Technology Startups led to follow up questions from a handful of readers who asked for additional posts with more explanations and examples. ((Let me know if you feel I have failed to attribute something appropriately. Tell me how […]
How Studying Bankruptcy And Working On Two Turnaround Assignments Prepared Me To Become An Early Stage Venture Capitalist
When I started business school at NYU Stern in the fall of 2005 my plan centered on taking every class in Bankruptcy & Reorganization, and Distressed Investing that I could. I took 3 elective classes in that area; Bankruptcy & Reorganization with Prof. Ed Altman, Case Studies in Bankruptcy & Reorganization with Prof. Max […]
Notes on Strategy; For Early Stage Technology Startups
Alternate Title: What Can 24’s Jack Bauer Teach a Tech Startup Founder About Strategy? Running a business without a strategy is like breathing air without oxygen. The purpose of this blog post is to attempt to synthesize certain fundamental lessons on strategy that are relevant for anyone trying to build a business. ((Let me know […]