An early-stage supply chain technology venture capitalist argues for connected platforms and ecosystems in logistics technology as a means to create more customer value than is currently possible.
Why We Invested: Stimulus
The team at REFASHIOND Ventures explains why the fund invested in Stimulus, a relationship management and intelligence platform for corporate sourcing and procurement teams.
Towards A Partnership Model for Family Offices and Emerging Venture Firm Managers (#SupplyChainTech #FOinVC Focus)
We examine why Family Offices seeking exposure to early-stage technology venture capital should partner with emerging venture capital firms. We propose a partnership model rather than the narrative in the media that pushes outright rivalry. We outline 9 different approaches by which family offices can engage with the community of emerging venture fund managers. We feature commentary from practitioners. This report is uniquely deeply researched and is meant for senior decision makers at family offices in any part of the world seeking some help as they try to make sense of large volumes of sometimes contradictory and confusing information that is difficult to synthesize. and distil into actionable conclusions.
New Logistics Technology Market Map Seeks to Center Buyers of Logistics Technology and Services
A group of individuals publishes a volunteer-driven, open source market map of global supply chain logistics technology.
#SupplyChainTech: What is Supply Chain Technology, and Why is it the Biggest Investment Opportunity of Our Lifetime?
What is #SupplyChainTech, and why is it the biggest investment opportunity of our lifetime. An early-stage supply chain tech venture capitalist’s perspective.
The World is a Supply Chain
Originally published at on Friday, October 18, 2019. Note: 3,749 Words, 14 Minutes Reading Time Authors: Brian Laung Aoaeh, CFA, and Lisa Morales-Hellebo The world is a supply chain. It’s that simple. But what does that really mean? Whether we like it or not, current economic, political, social, and technology trends will compel more people to […]