An explanation of how REFASHIOND Ventures incorporates ESG and Impact investing considerations in its activities as an early-stage #SupplyChainTech VC fund.
The World is a Supply Chain
Originally published at on Friday, October 18, 2019. Note: 3,749 Words, 14 Minutes Reading Time Authors: Brian Laung Aoaeh, CFA, and Lisa Morales-Hellebo The world is a supply chain. It’s that simple. But what does that really mean? Whether we like it or not, current economic, political, social, and technology trends will compel more people to […]
#UserManual – Send Us All The Early-Stage Supply Chain Technology Startups
Author’s Note: This blog post is an updated version of User Manual: The Early Stage Startups I Want To Hear About Most in 2016 and 2017 and User Manual: The Early Stage Startups I Want To Hear About Most in 2017 and 2018. Certain portions of this version may be exactly the same as in […]
Notes On Early Stage Technology Investing; Art, Science, or Both?
Often when I have asked other people this question I get a response that leaves me feeling dissatisfied. It seems most investors are compelled to take one side over the other, and, at least as far as the admittedly small sample of investors I have asked this question are concerned, insufficient thought is given to […]