Note: A version of this story was first published on May 10, 2019, at FreightWaves. On April 25, Amazon announced that it was making an investment of $800 million to reduce delivery times, from two days to one, for members of Amazon Prime. The next day FreightWaves was first to report that, without any fanfare, Amazon […]
Early Stage Startups
Logistics Network Optimization — Why This Time Is Different
Note: A version of this article was first published on April 23, 2019 at FreightWaves. Amazon has changed the retail business. It has changed the cloud computing business. It has also changed the supply chain business, but perhaps not in the way that you think. On April 9, 2015, Amazon published a blog post on the […]
Supply Chain, Innovation, & Technology (#SCIT2019) – Event Summary
More than 800 Supply Chain Professionals from 15 Countries Attend Supply Chain, Innovation & Technology Conference The Worldwide Supply Chain Federation (#TWSCF) held its inaugural global summit on June 19 and June 20, 2019 in New York City. The 2-day conference was hosted by Microsoft Reactor NYC and Microsoft For Startups in NYC. The Supply […]
#UnderConstruction | #TNYSCM15: Supply Chain Tech – From The World To NYC
WHAT IS A SUPPLY CHAIN? A network of connected and interdependent organisations mutually and cooperatively working together to control, manage and improve the flow of materials and information from suppliers to end users. — Martin Christopher, Logistics & Supply Chain Management: Creating Value-Adding Networks, 4th ed, Pearson Education Limited 2011, p4 For the month of […]
#UnderConstruction | Why Is A Global Grassroots Supply Chain Community Starting in NYC, and Bangalore?
Disclaimer: This blog post reflects my personal opinions only. It does not represent the opinions of REFASHIOND Ventures, or REFASHIOND CO:LAB. It does not represent the opinions of The New York Supply Chain Meetup, or The Worldwide Supply Chain Federation. It does not reflect the opinions of any other person who is associated with any […]
Where Will Technological Disruption in The Fashion Supply Chain Come From?
Originally published at on October 25, 2018. By Brian Laung Aoaeh and Lisa Morales-Hellebo Authors’ Note: This is the second in a series of six articles about problems and opportunities in global supply chains, with a focus on the fashion industry. In this article we focus on trying to learn how executives at fashion industry incumbents […]