Dropbox is another example of a product that has experienced remarkable growth since its launch. In this case study I will explore how Dropbox has achieved such rapid growth and try to identify strategic themes that other startups might consider for experiments centered around user acquisition and revenue growth. ((Any errors in appropriately citing my […]
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A Note on Viral Marketing – Part II: How Hotmail Grew
Hotmail is one example of a product that spread through the use of viral marketing techniques. This case study will cover the early days of hotmail, explore some of the underlying factors that led to its spread, and examine one model that has been used to model growth of its number of users. ((Any errors […]
How an Investor’s Behavioral Traits Might Completely Derail Your Pitch – Part III
This post continues the discussion about how behavioral psychology might affect the outcome of a meeting at which a startup team is pitching to a potential investor. You can get caught up by reading part I and part II. My goal is to offer some advice on how entrepreneurs pitching to early stage investors might prepare to […]
What If Q&A: What Should I Do To Spread My Idea?
Rajoshi Gosh in Chennai, India sent me this question via email; I am a startup founder in the developing world. ((She is the co-founder of 34Cross. Their first product, Owlink, is a browser extension that is now available for Chrome. Rajoshi tells me versions for Firefox and Safari are in the pipeline. We have known one another […]
What I Worry About When I Am Studying A Startup
One of the things I really like about my job studying and investing in early stage startups is that I am constantly learning something new. This is true especially when I am encountering a startup for the first time, and begin to study polished and slick pitch materials on my own, listen to the entrepreneur […]